Helping Believers Worship In Spirit And in Truth

How do you make people worship? The short answer is, you can’t. It is humanly impossible to make people worship. Regardless of the talent of the musician, the mood of the worship service, the expertise of the worship media, or the volume of the music, nobody can make another person truly worship. That being said, a worship leader or worship team should strive to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to worship. A better issue to consider is that of helping people worship. How do you do it?

Leading worship is a task fraught with pitfalls. You must prayerfully navigate away from false forms of worship, like  self-worship, empty worship, worship for show, and so on. Helping people worship is not about making people worship, as mentioned above. What is it then?

Is it about atmosphere? Surely, if you have the right atmosphere, people will be compelled to worship, right? No. The right “worship atmosphere” isn’t something you can somehow manipulate, like you would adjust the thermostate in a climate-controlled building. It’s not about musical talent, either. Sure, it will be distracting if your voice cracks while trying to hit the high “e,” but this does not prevent or compel worship.

Minister Michael Branscomb III, Worship & Music Director

The Bible has a lot to say about music, and Minister Michael Branscomb’s role is to lead the church’s worship in a way that matches the character of God. Minister Branscomb is an accomplished musician playing with a number of years of worship experience and is eager to share his gifts with the Church